Media Contact: Sanaz Hajizadeh
Phone Contact: (310) 709-7179
For more information regarding Cookie Dough Bites® and Cookie Dough Bites® Factory visit:
Phone Contact: (310) 709-7179
Cookie Dough Bites® Factory Hits #1 Game for Kids on
iTunes in just 9 Days
Partnership between Confectionery Company and Mobile Gaming Company creates Sweet Success!
Los Angeles, CA. January 19, 2012 – Sunstorm Games, a developer of popular mobile gaming
apps and Taste of Nature Inc., a fast-growing confectionery manufacturing company have
launched the #1 App for Kids on the iTunes App Store! In just 9 days, Cookie Dough Bites®
Factory achieved a Top of the Charts ranking to become the #1 Game for Kids on iTunes with
over a half million worldwide downloads.
The app allows players to actually manufacture the popular Cookie Dough Bites® candies in a
simulated factory environment and allows players to interact with the brand and its family of
flavors. Beginning with mixing essential ingredients, the simulator moves onto applying
chocolate coating (milk, white or dark) to the dough pieces and ends with a quality control
function – similar to one found in an actual factory! Some coatings even allow the addition of
various flavors of sprinkles – an added feature that’s proving to be very popular.
“Cookie Dough Bites® Factory combines skill and pure enjoyment as it allows fans of Cookie
Dough Bites® to experience the candy making process,” commented Scott Samet, President of
Taste of Nature, Inc. who launched Cookie Dough Bites in movie theatres in 1997. The brand
has grown exponentially in 15 years and now boasts 9 flavors, nationwide distribution and a cult
Just like the confection, the popularity of Cookie Dough Bites® Factory is rising rapidly, as the
app is spreading through word of mouth advertising as well as the pure recognition of being at
the Top of the Charts. Anthony Campiti, founder of Sunstorm Games added “Kids, families and
gamers have fallen in love with Cookie Dough Bites® Factory. It’s amazing to see such a wide
demographic playing this app all over the world! Stay tuned for new versions as we build upon
our current success.”
iTunes in just 9 Days
Partnership between Confectionery Company and Mobile Gaming Company creates Sweet Success!
Los Angeles, CA. January 19, 2012 – Sunstorm Games, a developer of popular mobile gaming
apps and Taste of Nature Inc., a fast-growing confectionery manufacturing company have
launched the #1 App for Kids on the iTunes App Store! In just 9 days, Cookie Dough Bites®
Factory achieved a Top of the Charts ranking to become the #1 Game for Kids on iTunes with
over a half million worldwide downloads.
The app allows players to actually manufacture the popular Cookie Dough Bites® candies in a
simulated factory environment and allows players to interact with the brand and its family of
flavors. Beginning with mixing essential ingredients, the simulator moves onto applying
chocolate coating (milk, white or dark) to the dough pieces and ends with a quality control
function – similar to one found in an actual factory! Some coatings even allow the addition of
various flavors of sprinkles – an added feature that’s proving to be very popular.
“Cookie Dough Bites® Factory combines skill and pure enjoyment as it allows fans of Cookie
Dough Bites® to experience the candy making process,” commented Scott Samet, President of
Taste of Nature, Inc. who launched Cookie Dough Bites in movie theatres in 1997. The brand
has grown exponentially in 15 years and now boasts 9 flavors, nationwide distribution and a cult
Just like the confection, the popularity of Cookie Dough Bites® Factory is rising rapidly, as the
app is spreading through word of mouth advertising as well as the pure recognition of being at
the Top of the Charts. Anthony Campiti, founder of Sunstorm Games added “Kids, families and
gamers have fallen in love with Cookie Dough Bites® Factory. It’s amazing to see such a wide
demographic playing this app all over the world! Stay tuned for new versions as we build upon
our current success.”
For more information regarding Cookie Dough Bites® and Cookie Dough Bites® Factory visit:
sounds nice :D
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