Monday, March 6, 2017

Nutrisystem Week Five #NSNation

Disclaimer:  I received Nutrisystem complimentary in exchange for my blogging weight loss journey.

This is my week 5 update and onto my second month which I can't believe because it hasn't seem that long that I was just starting out my first week and it feels incredible to be able to digest everything that I am going through, etc. I've made a lot of healthy choices throughout this process not saying that I never did eat healthy but always watched what I ate and trying new foods and recipes that I've found on Pinterest. The way my body feels and just in general myself I have been feeling a lot better and there are days when I feel sluggish because that is just me and my depression that I go through and I think my medicine isn't really working anymore.

There is a park in my area that is in Burlington County and it's called Mt. Laurel Park it has a big hill and playgrounds, big pond as you can see in the pictures above and it has a big walk around which is so nice during the spring/summer time. You can walk around and I have been doing that a few times this week and I would bring my son so he could play on the playground while I walk or even I would bring the pig too and the dogs and walk them. There is a dog park so feeling extra happy the way everything is turning out in my week 5 and I couldn't be happier. 
I've made some delicious smoothie pops that my family loves. I would use almond milk, a banana, frozen strawberries and a Greek vanilla yogurt and some chia seeds and two ice cubes and blend it all together for a healthy snack.
 Before I would tend to eat a late night snack so if I get any cravings I have something to munch on and these are really good and probably better than munching on something that I shouldn't have😊

I forgot to post some pictures from our Cruise:

See you next week for Week 6!


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