Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pulse Yoga

Argie opened the first Yoga College of India for Bikram Choudrury in 1978. She has taught over 15,000 yoga classes and has developed yoga programs for schools, corporations, hospitals and television. Argie became certified as a fitness instructor at The University of California, Los Angles and began applying yoga principles and postures to athletic training more about Pulse Yoga here

So I was given the opportunity to receive 4 DVDs from Pulse Yoga. Me & my friend are trying to loose weight and we were so happy to get these DVDs & we never had tried Yoga before so this was a first experience for us. The DVDs are 60-minutes long. So far I love Yoga & I think it is such a great way to get lean muscles & it's so easy to do in the comfort of your own home. Pulse Yoga takes Yoga to the next level using weights & following the instructions movements you are lead through a great workout. I really enjoyed these videos & I have to say you can definitely feel the workout the next day. Pulse Yoga videos are great because each video has two instructors that while they are doing the same exercises they are doing them at different levels so you can do what is most comfortable for you. I enjoy doing these videos they each last an hour except the Express Yoga which is a quick 30-minute workout. They are a lot of fun and i honestly feel that I have more energy now that I have been working out with Pulse Yoga.

A basic yoga routine that introduces the Pulse concept of micro movements within a posture. Key areas such as abdominal, lower back and gluteus muscles are targeted. Alternating right/left pulse movements with free weights define and sculpt the upper body.

Balance in motion are emphasized here by connecting standing balancing postures in order to master control over the body in any position. Efficient simultaneous movements of free weights tone the upper body.

Build stamina and strength through more intense use of free weights. Inner thigh stretching and strengthening, hip flexibility and toning of the gluteus muscles is emphasized.

Only have 30 minutes? You can pack a lot of “Pulse” into that short time. A condensed routine that addresses major workout needs.

Pulse Yoga
P.O. Box 5664
Vail, CO 81657

I received this product mentioned above free of charge for the purpose of this review

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! We just moved and now I have my own office with plenty of room to workout at home! I have been looking for new workout DVD's and this may be it! Thanks for sharing!

    XOXO, Stephanie @ Blonde Highlights


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